There I was, giving words of wisdom to others but not following them myself. It's been exactly 1 complete month since I did not post a single entry... *sigh*. Well was I dead? or did I go under a rock? Not really... The last 30 days of my life have been one of a kind. I went through quite a number of ups and downs (lets keep the count more to the downside) both in my personal/ professional life and had to take some time-out and take care of them. I guess it was one of those phases of life where you look back and ask yourself "what the f*** just happened?". But I am not alone, all around the world people go though different phases in life all the time, for instance check out these blog from Abdul and Flashguru. By the way, both are my role models :-)
Now slowly but certainly things are starting to look good. I'm a little exhausted... but not worn out. As I had written in one of my earlier posts, under all circumstances I did manage to take some satisfying photographs. Also, there's been quite some activities in my Flickr page. Here are the 3 most notable photos from the last 30 days:
Most favored, most viewed and most discussed photos:

or if you'd like - View all photos
I did have a fantastic, rocking and butt kickin' time on my birthday. No doubt, it's my best birthday party so far! I have uploaded all photos to picasa web, click on the image below if you are interested to know what went on in the party ;-)
Cheers! Rock on!!
I'm glad things are starting to look good, albeit a lill slowly :)
Btw, I've seen and heard all of these and more. Show me the censored pictures please!!! :D
I hope that you are going to post one more excuse post for not blogging regularly. And these excuses are the actual posts for you.. hehehe... :D
there can be no excuses for not blogging... btw... that was an interesting note in the beginning about your friend... FRIEND??? :) the world sure does change :)
I do agree with Chandramohan :)
Nice blog.
I am writing a comment on this bcoz even i am going through some downs of life.Happy for you that you are out of it.
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